Domestic Workers: Challenges and Opportunities
September 3, 2020“Essential” Should Not Mean “Exploitable”: Rethinking the Current Education Crisis in the U.S
September 18, 2020By Amy Armenia
Paid and unpaid caregivers have always been vulnerable to extreme levels of stress and burnout, but the COVID-19 pandemic has made this role even more difficult. In the media recently, attention has been paid to highlighting the positives of caregivers as well as making suggestions to lighten the load and to effectively lighten the load for care workers.
In Nursing Times, Sian Rodger highlights the teamwork that is central to nursing as a positive factor that improves health care and the mental health of nurses. This teamwork has sparked innovation, cross-field communication, and support for patients who may be isolated from family while under care.
Care workers continue to be the backbone of health and mental health services during COVID, but can also benefit from attention paid to their own mental health. In the World Economic Forum, Norweigian psychologist Lene Søvold shares “Coping Strategies in the age of COVID-19.” She presents both negative and positive reactions that clinicians have at this time when their practices may be changing dramatically, and gives advice for increasing their professional resilience.
Unpaid caregivers face extraordinary challenges at this time as well, with the heightening of care needs and the tightening of resources. Jeff Bevis, from Forbes Magazine, suggests tips for caregivers during the pandemic. While many sources are available to guide “self-care” for caregiver, these suggestions are often inadequate for addressing systemic problems in our care system which is based on privatization and devaluing of care.